Space Diamonds are Even Harder Than Earth Diamonds

2 years ago

In a recent study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, an international team of researchers led…

Webb Scans a Nearby Brown Dwarf and Finds it has Clouds Made of Sand

2 years ago

An international collaboration has used data from Webb to characterize a brown dwarf, and found clouds of sand in its…

There’s a Blob of Gas Orbiting Around the Milky Way’s Supermassive Black Hole

2 years ago

Sagittarius A* (Sag A) is usually a pretty quiet object, as supermassive black holes go. It's not wildly active, like…

Axiom’s Next Trip to the ISS Will Carry the First Saudi Woman in Space

2 years ago

Axiom Space says it's working with the Saudi Space Commission to send two spacefliers from the Arab kingdom, including the…

The World’s Ground Stations are Getting Ready to Watch a Spacecraft Crash Into an Asteroid Next Week!

2 years ago

On Monday, Sept. 26th, the DART mission will collide with an asteroid to test a method of planetary defense. The…

Habitable Planets Will Most Likely be Cold, Dry “Pale Yellow Dots”

2 years ago

Remember all the habitable planets we've seen in science fiction movies? There's wintry Hoth, for example, and overwhelmingly hot Dune.…

Webb Turns its Infrared Gaze on Mars

2 years ago

The first Webb images of Mars were just released by the ESA, revealing spectra from the planet's atmosphere and what…

Neptune and Its Rings Glow in Webb Telescope’s Portrait

2 years ago

The first picture of Neptune to be taken by NASA's James Webb Space Telescope reveals the latest, greatest details of…

It Appears That Enceladus is Even More Habitable Than we Thought

2 years ago

It takes a watery world to support life as we know it, but it also takes a special bit extra.

Astronomy For Equity: Building Hope Through the Night Sky

2 years ago

Have you ever attended a star party, where amateur astronomers set up telescopes and invite the public to take a…