Gravitational Waves Will Give Astronomers a new way to Look Inside Neutron Stars

2 years ago

Astronomers can use gravitational wave data to study the interiors of neutron stars, thanks to new gravitational wave models.

How Weak Will Astronauts Feel When They First set Foot on Mars After Months in Space?

2 years ago

A new mathematical model can simulate if astronauts will be operate in Martian gravity after months of flying through space.

Were Phobos and Deimos Once a Single Martian Moon That Split up? Not Likely, says New Study

2 years ago

A new study has cast doubt on the theory that Mars' moons Phobos and Deimos were once a single moon…

Another of the Lucy Mission’s Asteroids has a Moon

2 years ago

There is still so much we don't know about the asteroids. Various missions have already been sent to some near…

Mars and Moon Dust can be Turned Into Geopolymer Cement. Good Enough for Landing Pads and Other Structures

2 years ago

Materials science has long taken the lead in space exploration research, and it seems to have been getting even more…

Mars InSight Doesn’t Find any Water ice Within 300 Meters Under its Feet

2 years ago

Space science doesn't always go as planned. Sometimes when scientists think they've made a remarkable discovery that will make human…

The First Crops on Mars Should be Alfalfa and Cyanobacteria. Then Comes Tastier Plants

2 years ago

Mark Watney can keep his potatoes. Real astronauts should grow alfalfa. (more…)

A new way to Make Oxygen on Mars: Using Plasma

2 years ago

There's more than one way to produce oxygen on Mars. Or at least there is now. After the success of…

New Pics of Phobos From China’s Tianwen-1 Orbiter

2 years ago

Two fundamental factors affect all astrophotography - timing and location. If a camera happens to be at the right place…

Not Just a Planet Hunter. TESS Found Over 25,000 Flaring Stars

2 years ago

One of the beauties of modern-day space telescopes is that the data they produce, which is eventually wholly released to…