MIT Researchers Propose Space Bubbles to Stop Climate Change

2 years ago

Climate change is a real problem. Human caused outputs of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane are the main…

In Wildly Different Environments, Stars End Up Roughly the Same

2 years ago

When you look at a region of the sky where stars are born, you see a cloud of gas and…

Primordial Black Holes Could Have Triggered the Formation of Supermassive Black Holes

2 years ago

Computer simulations show the role primordial black holes may have played in the early universe, but the process isn't clear…

Why Betelgeuse Dimmed

2 years ago

Using data from Hubble and other observatories, a team of scientists have determine the cause of Betelgeuse's dimming - old…

Thanks to Gaia we Know Exactly how and When the Sun Will die

2 years ago

Observations from the Gaia spacecraft gives us a detailed picture of how the Sun will live and die.

Starlink Satellites Are Still Bright

2 years ago

The new generation of Starlink satellites remain above the accepted brightness threshold.

Impacts From Interstellar Objects Should Leave Very Distinct Craters

2 years ago

In a recent study submitted to Earth and Planetary Astrophysics, a team of researchers from Yale University investigated how to…

Here’s a Sneak Preview of What It’ll Look Like When the Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxies Collide

2 years ago

When big spiral galaxies collide, they don't end up as one really big spiral. Instead, they create a humongous elliptical…

The Youngest Exoplanet Ever Seen?

2 years ago

Using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) have observed what could be the youngest exoplanet ever detected!

Even a Cyclical Universe Needed to Come From Somewhere

2 years ago

The cyclic universe model proposes a universe with no beginning, but a new study shows it might need a beginning…