SpaceX Super Heavy Fires Just one of its Engines. Imagine What it’ll be Like When it Fires all 33

2 years ago

Musk just tweeted an image of the BN7 Super Heavy Booster successfully conducting a static fire test!

Hazegrayart Shows how Rocket Lab's Reusable Neutron Rocket Could Work

2 years ago

A new animation shows what Rocket Lab's totally-reusable rocket will look like when it starts sending satellites to space.

Astronomers Were Fortunate Enough to Catch a Neutron Star Merging With Another Star

2 years ago

A team of astronomers have followed the evolution of a short duration gamma ray burst, one of the most intense…

Perseverance has Found a ‘Cat Hair’ in its Drill Chuck. What is it?

2 years ago

After each use of one of the tools at the end of the Perseverance rover’s arm, the mission’s engineering team…

It’s Been 10 Years Since Curiosity Landed on Mars, and the Rover is Still Going Strong

2 years ago

For a spacecraft that's traveled millions of kilometers across space and driven on the surface of Mars, Curiosity is holding…

Gravitational Waves Near a Neutron Star Could Generate Photons

2 years ago

In addition to their intense magnetic fields and copious output of x-ray radiation, neutron stars might have one more trick…

South Korea’s First Orbital Mission to the Moon is on its Way

2 years ago

South Korea launched its first robotic mission to the Moon last week, as a SpaceX Falcon 9 successfully launched the…

Astronomers List 88 Distant Galaxies They Want to Look at With JWST. Some Are Less Than 200 Million Years Old.

2 years ago

Way back in the earliest ages of the universe, the first galaxies were born. Astronomers want to know more about…

With Martian air, Dirt, and Sunshine, It Should be Possible to Make Iron on Mars

2 years ago

When the first humans reach Mars, they'll probably live in habitats that were there ahead of time or in habs…

A Remote Surgical Robot is Going to the International Space Station

2 years ago

The Miniaturized In-vivo Robotic Assistant (MIRA) is getting ready to fly to the ISS and evaluate if robotic-assisted surgery (RAS)…