The Tharsis Region of Mars is Peppered With These Strange Pit Craters. Now They’ve Been Found Elsewhere

2 years ago

Pit craters are found on solid bodies throughout our Solar System, including Earth, Venus, the Moon, and Mars. These craters…

An Interstellar Meteor Struck the Earth in 2014, and now Scientists Want to Search for it at the Bottom of the Ocean

2 years ago

Back in 2014, an object crashed into the ocean just off the coast of Papua New Guinea. Data collected at…

Astronomers Measure the Signal of Dark Matter From 12 Billion Years ago

2 years ago

The most distant measure of dark matter suggests the universe might have behaved differently in the past.

JWST Turns Its Gaze on the Cartwheel Galaxy

2 years ago

The Cartwheel Galaxy, also known as ESO 350-40, is one disturbed-looking piece of cosmic real estate. To look at it…

The Record for the Farthest Galaxy just got Broken Again, now just 250 million years after the Big Bang

2 years ago

In a recent study submitted to MNRAS, a collaborative research team has utilized the first set of data from the…

K2 PanSTARRS Still a Fine Binocular Comet Through late 2022

2 years ago

A long anticipated comet puts on its best show through the end of 2022.

Even Citizen Scientists are Getting Time on JWST

2 years ago

Over the years, members of the public have regularly made exciting discoveries and meaningful contributions to the scientific process through…

Stellar Flybys Leave a Permanent Mark on Newly Forming Planetary Systems

2 years ago

What do UX Tauri, RW Aurigae, AS 205, Z CMajoris, and FU Orionis have in common? They're young stellar systems…

Planet 9 is Running out of Places to Hide

2 years ago

A search for Planet 9 found hundreds of potential candidates, but they are probably just clouds.

Earth’s Magnetic Field Almost Completely Collapsed 550 Million Years Ago

2 years ago

More than half a billion years ago, Earth experienced an almost-complete collapse of its magnetic field. It began in the…