NASA Funds the Development of a Nuclear Reactor on the Moon That Would Last for 10 Years

2 years ago

If NASA's Artemis project to return to the Moon permanently is going to succeed, it will need a lot of…

Amazing Flaky Martian Rocks Were Formed in a Stream or a Small Pond

2 years ago

Mars Curiosity rover continues to make impressive scientific findings as it gets closer to marking its tenth anniversary on Mars!

Despite its draining power, NASA’s InSight Mars lander is determined to squeeze as much science as it can until the very last moment

2 years ago

Its solar panels are caked with dust and the batteries are running out of juice, but NASA’s InSight Mars lander…

More Rocket Launches Could Damage the Ozone Layer

2 years ago

There are few things in this world that brings feelings of awe and wonder more than a rocket launch. Watching…

NASA Says It’s Satisfied With Rehearsal for SLS Moon Rocket Launch

2 years ago

NASA says it's finished with having to do full-scale dress rehearsals for the first liftoff of its moon-bound Space Launch…

SpaceX is now Constructing the Starship Launch Tower at Cape Canaveral

2 years ago

SpaceX is building another "Mechazilla" launch tower at Launch Complex-39A at the NASA Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

Recent Supernovae Produced Giant Cavities in the Orion Nebula

2 years ago

The Orion Nebula is a well-known feature in the night sky and is visible in small backyard telescopes. Orion is…

Astronomers Find a Brand new Pulsar That's Probably Less Than 14 Years old

2 years ago

Astronomers have discovered a neutron star so young it's barely a teenager.

BepiColombo’s Second Mercury Flyby

2 years ago

BepiColombo's stunning close pass by Mercury on Thursday provides a prelude of what’s to come.

If Bacteria Drink Kombucha, They Stand a Better Chance of Survival on Mars

2 years ago

Tea is useful for all kinds of things, including caffeinating plenty of writers worldwide. There are also many varieties of…