Gaia's Massive Third Data Release is out!

2 years ago

The third Gaia Data Release (DR3) has been released, and is already leading to some major breakthroughs in astronomy!

This Bizarre Terrain on Mars is Caused by Water Ice and Carbon Dioxide

2 years ago

From orbit, this landscape on Mars looks like a lacy honeycomb or a spider web. But the unusual polygon-shaped features…

The Moon Could Have Gathered Some of its Water from the Earth’s Atmosphere

2 years ago

Our Moon is a fascinating world that has captivated us since time immemorial. Long before the first telescope was invented,…

Want to Own a Meteorite from Geoff Notkin’s Personal Collection?

2 years ago

For nearly 30 years Geoff Notkin has traveled the world in search of meteorites, those ancient relics from outer space…

Samples of Asteroid Ryugu Contain More Than 20 Amino Acids

2 years ago

The samples obtained by Hayabusa2 have revealed that the Near Earth Asteroid Ryugu contains 20 strains of amino acids -…

Astronomers Watched a “Near-Sun” Comet Disintegrate as it Flew too Close to the Sun

2 years ago

Comets that venture close to the Sun can transform into something beautiful, but sometimes they encounter incineration if they get…

Once Again, Galaxies Look Surprisingly Mature Shortly After the Beginning of the Universe

2 years ago

A young galaxy with the catchy, roll-off-the-tongue name A1689-zD1 has experts in galactic formation talking. Recent observations show that this…

Fire Acts Strangely in Microgravity. Astronauts Have Lit More Than 1,500 Fires on the Space Station to Figure Out Why

2 years ago

Ever since childhood, we were all told to never play with fire. Despite it being relevant to our everyday lives,…

A Rare Repeating Fast Radio Burst Gives Astronomers a Chance to Study These Mysterious Objects

2 years ago

An international team has come up with a new explanation for Fast Radio Bursts based on their study of a…

This is What the Metal Asteroid Psyche Might Look Like

2 years ago

If you wanted to do a forensic study of the Solar System, you might head for the main asteroid belt…