Does a “Mirror World of Particles” Explain the Crisis in Cosmology?

2 years ago

A mirror universe model might explain why measurements of Hubble constant disagree.

Hubble Sees a Surviving Companion Star After its Partner Went Supernova

2 years ago

When stars die they’re often not alone, and for the first time astronomers have found a companion to a supernova,…

What is the Best Radiation Shielding for the Surface of Mars?

2 years ago

A new study takes a look at potential methods for radiation shielding that could inform the creation of Martian habitats

The Early Solar System was Total Mayhem

2 years ago

There's no question that young solar systems are chaotic places. Cascading collisions defined our young Solar System as rocks, boulders,…

See All Naked Eye Planets This Month… in Order

2 years ago

June 2022 offers early risers the chance to trace out the naked eye planets, from Mercury to Saturn.

Astronomers Find 116,000 New Variable Stars

2 years ago

What do two guys from Ohio, the GAIA mission, a worldwide network of ground-based telescopes, machine learning, and citizen scientists…

Objects That Share the Same Orbit are Common in the Solar System. But we’ve Never Seen co-Orbital Exoplanets. Why?

2 years ago

“Where are all the Trojans” is a question valid in both the study of ancient history and the study of…

A Pulsar has Been Found Turning so Slowly Astronomers Didn't Even Think it was Possible: Once Every 76 Seconds

2 years ago

Using the MeerKAT array, an international team of astronomers has detected a new class of radio-emitting neutron star!

The Stars in Other Galaxies are Generally Heavier Than the Milky Way’s Stars

2 years ago

How many of what kinds of stars live in other galaxies? It seems like a simple question, but it’s notoriously…

Even if you can’t see Auroras, You Can Sometimes Hear Them. Here’s What They Sound Like

2 years ago

Auroras are some of Earth’s most spectacular natural phenomena. Travelers come from far and wide to see the incredible Northern…