Merging Supermassive Black Holes Gives us a New Way to Measure the Universe

2 years ago

A team of astronomers from Columbia University has found a new way to probe the depths of merging black holes,…

Did a 5th Giant Planet Mess up the Orbits of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune?

2 years ago

The solar system’s current planetary orbits seem stable, but that’s only because the planets have settled into them over billions…

Astronomers Find a Star That Contains 65 Different Elements

2 years ago

Have you ever held a chunk of gold in your hand? Not a little piece of jewelry, but an ounce…

Scouring Through old Hubble Images Turned up 1,000 new Asteroids

2 years ago

Researchers have found over 1,700 asteroid trails in archived Hubble data from the last 20 years. While many of the…

Engineers Design an Electrical Microgrid for a Lunar Base

2 years ago

Sandia National Laboratories is developing microgrid technology that will power the Artemis Base Camp and operations on the Moon!

A Recently Discovered Double Binary System is Unstable. Stars Could Collide, Leading to a Supernova

2 years ago

A quadruple binary star system may reveal a common source of the supernovae we use to measure the cosmos.

Cosmic Rays can Help Keep the World's Clocks in Sync

2 years ago

The world has a robust, accurate timekeeping system that regulates our clocks. Humanity uses it for everything we do, from…

A CubeSat is Flying to the Moon to Make Sure Lunar Gateway’s Orbit is Actually Stable

2 years ago

To validate the Lunar Gateway's orbit around the lunar poles (a halo orbit), NASA is sending the CAPSTONE mission to…

What’s the Right Depth to Search for Life on Icy Worlds?

2 years ago

Are we alone? Is there life beyond Earth? These are the questions that plague the very essence of science, and…

Astronomers Finally Catch a Nova Detonating on a White Dwarf as it's Happening

2 years ago

On July 7, 2020, the X-ray instrument eROSITA captured an astronomical event that – until then – had only been…