What’s the Best Way to Build Landing Pads on the Moon?

2 years ago

A new study considers the most cost-effective way to build landing pads on the Moon, which is essential to establishing…

Astronaut Jessica Watkins Floats Above the Earth in the Space Station’s Cupola

2 years ago

NASA astronaut Jessica Watkins is seen here floating above Earth in the International Space Station’s cupola, which provides a spectacular…

If There are Dyson Spheres Around White Dwarfs, We Should be Able to Detect Them

2 years ago

Searching for Dyson spheres, rings, or swarms remains a preoccupation of many astronomers.  If there are any out there, they…

China Announces Its New Flagship Space Telescope Mission

2 years ago

Artist's concept of the Chinese Space Station Telescope (CSST). Credit: Jaimito130805, CC BY-SA 4.0 Distant galaxies, dark matter, dark energy,…

Webb is Almost Ready. There’s One Last Thing To Do

2 years ago

The James Webb Space Telescope is now in the final phase of commissioning as it readies for science observations. Of…

Russia Says it’ll Quit the International Space Station Over Sanctions. Also, Russia Says a lot of Stuff That Doesn’t Happen

2 years ago

When Russia sent its armed forces into Ukraine amidst accusations of Nazism and NATO aggression, it left most of its…

Canada's Criminal Laws now Extend to Earth Orbit and the Moon

2 years ago

In anticipation of Artemis, the Canadian government just passed an amendment to extend its Criminal Code to the Moon!

Extended Trips to Space Alter the Brains of Astronauts

2 years ago

Astronaut Peggy Whitson in the International Space Station's Cupola during a 2017 tour of duty. Doctors are interested in how…

We can Probably Find Supernovae Enhanced by Gravitational Lensing, We Just Need to Look

2 years ago

Gravitational lensing provides an opportunity to see supernovae and other transients much farther than we normally can. A new research…

Even Stars Doomed to Die as Supernovae can Have Planets

2 years ago

90 percent of all exoplanets discovered to date (there are now more than 5000 of them) orbit around stars the…