Slimmed Down Red Giants Had Their Mass Stolen By a Companion Star

2 years ago

Millions of stars that can grow up to 620 million miles in diameter, known as 'red giants,' exist in our…

Here’s Something Rare: a Martian Crater That isn’t a Circle. What Happened?

2 years ago

Most impact craters are usually circular and fairly symmetric, but not all. This odd-shaped crater on Mars is obviously an…

Holographic Doctors can now Provide Medical Advice on the International Space Station

2 years ago

Thanks to advances in holographic and teleporting technology, the first "holographic handshake" recently took place between people on Earth and…

Perseverance Begins the Next Phase of its Mission, Studying an Ancient River Bed on Mars

2 years ago

On February 18, 2021, NASA’s Perseverance (Percy) Rover successfully landed in the dried-up lakebed known as Jezero Crater on Mars,…

Astronomy Jargon 101: Sunspots

2 years ago

In this series we are exploring the weird and wonderful world of astronomy jargon! You’ll feel a little cooler after reading…

Here are All of Hubble’s Observations in One Picture

2 years ago

Over the past 32 years, Hubble has made about 1.4 million observations of our Universe. Physicist Casey Handmer was curious…

Venus' Atmosphere Stops it From Locking to the Sun

2 years ago

The reason Venus isn't tidally locked could be its thick atmosphere.

Chinese Astronomers Recorded Earliest Account of Aurora

2 years ago

How dating an ancient text revealed one of the oldest observations of aurora known.

Jupiter’s Moon Io has Dunes. Dunes!?

2 years ago

New research led by Rutger's University has led to an explanation for why there are dunes on Jupiter's volcanic moon…

Wow! Perseverance Sees a Solar Eclipse on Mars

2 years ago

Imagine standing on Mars, and seeing this with your own eyes. (more…)