Europa Could be Pulling Oxygen Down Below the Ice to Feed Life

2 years ago

Jupiter's moon Europa is a prime candidate in the search for life. The frozen moon has a subsurface ocean, and…

It’s Not Conclusive, But Methane is Probably the Best Sign of Life on Exoplanets

2 years ago

When the James Webb Space Telescope aims at exoplanet atmospheres, it'll use spectroscopy to identify chemical elements. One of the…

Supermassive Black Holes Shut Down Star Formation

2 years ago

Supermassive black holes play a central role to weaken star production in their galaxies.

NASA Astronaut and Cosmonauts Land Safely Together in Kazakhstan

2 years ago

After much speculation and concern the past month whether Russia would allow a US astronaut to ride back to Earth…

A New Record! Hubble Detects an Individual Star From a Time When the Universe Was Less Than a Billion Years Old

2 years ago

A star that sounds as if it came from "The Lord of the Rings" now marks one of the Hubble…

ESA’s Solar Orbiter Takes a Ludicrously High Resolution Image of the Sun

2 years ago

The European Space Agency’s Solar Orbiter snaps an amazing image, en route to its first close pass near the Sun.

This is Where the Mars Sample Return Mission Could be Landing

2 years ago

NASA's Perseverance Rover is busy exploring Jezero Crater on Mars. Part of its mission is to collect samples for retrieval…

Astronomers Come up With a New Message to let the Aliens Know we’re Here

2 years ago

An international team of researchers has composed an updated Arecibo Message, known as the Beacon in the Galaxy (BITG) Message.

Part of the Milky Way Is Much Older Than Previously Believed

2 years ago

The Milky Way is older than astronomers thought, or part of it is. A newly-published study shows that part of…

Supermassive Black Holes Could Have Formed Directly in the Early Universe

2 years ago

There are a lot of amazing things in our Universe and a black hole is one of the most unknown.…