Lunar Rovers Could be Dropped Into Lava Tubes to Explore Their Depths

3 years ago

Technical challenges abound when doing space exploration.  Some areas are so remote or isolated that engineers need to build a…

Machine Learning Will be one of the Best Ways to Identify Habitable Exoplanets

3 years ago

A new study has shown how machine learning will aid next-generation telescopes in the search for water on exoplanets.

Wondering About the 6 Rays Coming out of JWST's Test Image? Here's why They Happen

3 years ago

The new image taken by James Webb... were you wondering why it looks so spikey? As it turns out, that's…

Astronomers Could Detect Gravitational Waves by Tracking the Moon's Orbit Around the Earth

3 years ago

Detecting gravitational waves by observing the Moon's motion could help solve one of the greatest mysteries in cosmology.

Mars Orbiter Captures Images of China’s Rover From Space

3 years ago

China’s Tianwen-1 lander and Zhurong rover touched down on the Martian plain Utopia Planitia on May 14, 2021 after spending…

Chris Hadfield Drives in the Desert With a new Lunar Rover Prototype

3 years ago

As the Apollo astronauts found out, mobility is everything. Apollo’s Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV) – sometimes called the Lunar Rover…

The Building Blocks of Earth Could Have Come From Farther out in the Solar System

3 years ago

Earth formed over 4.5 billion years ago via accretion. Earth's building blocks were chunks of rock of varying sizes. From…

Astronomy Jargon 101: Local Group

3 years ago

In this series we are exploring the weird and wonderful world of astronomy jargon! Get your friends together to talk about…

There are Deposits of ice at Mercury's Poles too

3 years ago

Ice was discovered on Mercury's poles thanks to planetary radar.

Now That is a Big Rocket. Space Launch System Rolls out to the Launch pad for a Series of Tests

3 years ago

Under the full Moon, NASA’s Space Launch System (SLS) rocket rolled out to the launchpad for the first time. The…