NASA Releases Details on how Starship Will be Part of its Return to the Moon

3 years ago

The path back to the moon is long and fraught with danger, both in the real, physical sense and also…

Astronomy Jargon 101: Magellanic Clouds

3 years ago

In this series we are exploring the weird and wonderful world of astronomy jargon! You'll only be visible in the southern…

A Pulsar is Blasting out Jets of Matter and Antimatter

3 years ago

Why is there so much antimatter in the Universe? Ordinary matter is far more plentiful than antimatter, but scientists keep…

ESA’s Gaia Just Took a Picture of L2 Neighbor JWST

3 years ago

Oh, hello there new neighbor!  In February, the Gaia spacecraft took a picture of its new closest companion in space…

Astronomy Jargon 101: Neutron Star

3 years ago

In this series we are exploring the weird and wonderful world of astronomy jargon! You’ll feel a little dense after reading…

Webb has Now Taken the Sharpest Image the Laws of Physics Allow

3 years ago

Engineers and scientists for the James Webb Space Telescope have completed two more steps in the telescope’s primary mirror alignment…

A new way to Confirm Hawking's Idea That Black Holes Give off Radiation

3 years ago

A quantum experiment simulates how Hawking radiation could affect quantum systems.

It’s Springtime on Mars, and the Dunes are Defrosting

3 years ago

Nothing says springtime on Mars like defrosting dunes. (more…)

Russian Space Agency Employees are now Forbidden to Travel Outside Russia (Because They Might not Come Back)

3 years ago

As Russia wages its terrible war against its neighbour Ukraine, the deteriorating situation inside Russia is leading many Russians to…

Astronomy Jargon 101: Nova

3 years ago

In this series we are exploring the weird and wonderful world of astronomy jargon! You’ll feel like a brand new person…