An 1874 Citizen Science Project Studying the Aurora Borealis Helped Inspire Time Zones

3 years ago

For millennia, humans have gazed at the northern lights with wonder, pondering their nature and source. Even today, these once…

Astronomy Jargon 101: Planetary Nebula

3 years ago

In this series we are exploring the weird and wonderful world of astronomy jargon! You’ll be confused with an actual planet…

The Sun is Slowly Tearing This Comet Apart

3 years ago

Using ground-based and space-based observations, a team of researchers has been monitoring a difficult-to-see comet carefully. It's called Comet 323P/SOHO,…

The IPCC Releases its 2022 Report on Climate Change, in Case you Needed Something Else to Worry About

3 years ago

The IPCC just released its Working Group II report, which addresses the impacts of Climate Change and the necessary adaptations.

50-Year-Old Lunar Samples are Opened up for the First Time

3 years ago

NASA's Apollo missions to the Moon brought back about 382 kilograms (842 pounds) of samples, including rocks, rock cores, rock,…

Astronomy Jargon 101: Planet

3 years ago

In this series we are exploring the weird and wonderful world of astronomy jargon! You’ll finally have a place in the…

Neutron Stars Could be the Best way to Measure Dark Energy

3 years ago

Neutron star collisions might be able to prove that dark energy is just an illusion.

Strange Terraces on Mars are a Clear Signal of Sedimentary Rock

3 years ago

If we’ve learned anything about Mars the past 2-3 decades from the various rovers, landers and orbiters we’ve sent to…

Russian Space Agency Tweets a Bizarre Video Showing the Russian Modules Detaching From ISS

3 years ago

Amid the chaos of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, a video has appeared online that shows the Russian segment of…

Astronomy Jargon 101: Protoplanetary Disk

3 years ago

In this series we are exploring the weird and wonderful world of astronomy jargon! You’ll just be getting started with today's…