NASA Wants Your Ideas on How to Keep Trash-Burning Reactors Working for Future Missions to Mars!

3 years ago

In preparation for missions to Mars, NASA and HeroX have launched their third challenge for dealing with space waste: The…

Mars Explorers are Going to Need air, and Lots of it. Here’s a Technology That Might Help Them Breath Easy

3 years ago

In situ resource utilization (ISRU) is still a very early science.  Therefore, the technology utilized in it could be improved…

The Expanding Debris Cloud From the Kilonova Tells the Story of What Happens When Neutron Stars Collide

3 years ago

When two neutron stars collide, it creates a kilonova. The event causes both gravitational waves and emissions of electromagnetic energy.…

Ukrainians urge satellites to publicly share real-time images of the Russian invasion

3 years ago

Earth Observatory System Data Analytics is urging fellow satellite companies and space agencies to share their data to assist the…

The Best way to Leave the Solar System Might be to fly Uncomfortably Close to the Sun

3 years ago

We’ve reported before on the conceptual mission known as the Interstellar Probe.  This ambitious mission would visit the interstellar medium…

Ion Engines Could Work on Earth too, to Make Silent, Solid-State Aircraft

3 years ago

Ion engines are the best technology for sending spacecraft on long missions. They're not suitable for launching spacecraft against powerful…

Stunning Photos from Air, Space and Ground of the Atlas V GOES-T Launch

3 years ago

NASA and NOAA now have a sophisticated new weather satellite in space. The GOES-T satellite launched on the powerful United…

Future Astronauts Might be Able to 3D Print Their own Spacesuits and Parts as Needed

3 years ago

One of the best motivators to solve a problem is to experience it yourself.  Dr. Bonnie Dunbar happened to have…

A Mars Meteorite Shows Evidence of a Massive Impact Billions of Years ago

3 years ago

Researchers at Australia’s Curtin University have discovered evidence of a massive impact on the Martian surface after 4.45 billion years…

Here’s The Exact Point of the Moon’s South Pole

3 years ago

Since 2009, the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) has been taking high-resolution pictures of the lunar surface. This data, along with…