Astronomers Discover a Strange new Star That Might be From the Collision Between two Dead Stars

3 years ago

With how many stars there are in our galaxy, there are sure to be plenty of different types of them. …

An Asteroid has Been Discovered With Three Moons!

3 years ago

Planets aren’t the only celestial objects with moons - asteroids can have them too. They are usually other, smaller asteroids…

As Temperatures Rise, Antarctica is Turning Green

3 years ago

The global climate is warming, and Earth's polar regions are feeling the effects. A new study of the South Orkney…

A Colossal Flare Erupted From the Far Side of the Sun

3 years ago

Earlier this week the Sun erupted with a huge explosion, blasting solar particles millions of kilometers into space. The team…

TESS Finds Almost 100 Quadruple Star Systems

3 years ago

NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) has found over 5000 candidate exoplanet candidates, and 197 confirmed exoplanets since its mission…

One of Life’s Building Blocks can Form in Space

3 years ago

Peptides are one of the smallest biomolecules and are one of life's critical building blocks. New research shows that they…

The First Image From NASA’s new X-ray Observatory

3 years ago

It’s first light for one of the newest space observatories! The Imaging X-Ray Polarimetry Explorer team has released their first…

Lasers Could Send Missions to Mars in Only 45 Days

3 years ago

New research from McGill University shows that a powerful laser array could propel a fusion-engine spacecraft to Mars in a…

Planet Found in the Habitable Zone of a White Dwarf

3 years ago

Most stars will end their lives as white dwarfs. White dwarfs are the remnant cores of once-luminous stars like our…

Civilian Astronauts are Going to try Spacewalking From a Crew Dragon Capsule

3 years ago

Tech billionaire Jared Isaacman who flew to space on the Inspiration4 mission last year has announced another flight, with the…