Webb is Cool, but it Still Needs to get Cooler

3 years ago

Cooling things down in space is trickier than it might sound.  But that is exactly the process the James Webb…

How Well Does Concrete Work in Space?

3 years ago

Concrete is not the first material one usually thinks of when exploring space.  Nor is it the focus of much…

Satellites can now see Exactly Where Methane is Being Dumped Into the Atmosphere

3 years ago

Methane is one of the most important greenhouse gases, despite the overwhelming interest in carbon dioxide emissions as the primary…

Astronomy Jargon 101: Hydrostatic Equilibrium

3 years ago

In this series we are exploring the weird and wonderful world of astronomy jargon! You’ll feel balanced with today's topic: hydrostatic…

The Object About to Hit the Moon isn’t a SpaceX Booster After All

3 years ago

Last month, astronomers reported that a discarded upper stage of a Falcon 9 rocket, launched 7 years ago, was on…

Astronomers Scan the Center of the Milky Way for Any Sign of Intelligent Civilizations. Nothing but Silence.

3 years ago

Are there civilizations somewhere else in the Universe? Somewhere else in the Milky Way? That's one of our overarching questions,…

Astronomers see Dead Planets Crashing Into Dead Stars

3 years ago

Some planets end by colliding with the remnant of their once shining star.

Water was Already Here Before the Earth Formed

3 years ago

Where did Earth's water come from? That's one of the most compelling questions in the ongoing effort to understand life's…

Astronomy Jargon 101: Hubble’s Law

3 years ago

In this series we are exploring the weird and wonderful world of astronomy jargon! You’ll expand your horizons with today's topic:…

Musk Shows how They’re Planning to Catch SuperHeavy Boosters

3 years ago

SpaceX’s entire business model is based on the reusability of its rockets.  That business model has proven viable time and…