Simulation Predicts Where to Find 300,000 Meteorites Hidden in Antarctica

3 years ago

Although meteorites are known to fall all over the world, the environment and unique processes in Antarctica make them somewhat…

How Dark Matter Could Be Measured in the Solar System

3 years ago

Dark matter has long been a mystery to astronomers, in no small part because it is so hard to measure…

Astronomy Jargon 101: Eclipsing Binary

3 years ago

In this series we are exploring the weird and wonderful world of astronomy jargon! You’ll be seeing double with today's topic:…

The First Rogue Black Hole has Been Discovered, and it’s Only 5,000 Light-Years Away

3 years ago

Microlensing strikes again.  Astronomers have been using the technique to detect everything from rogue planets to the most distant star…

Astronomy Jargon 101: Elliptical Galaxy

3 years ago

In this series we are exploring the weird and wonderful world of astronomy jargon! You’ll try to get back in shape…

The Space Shuttle was Originally Hoped to be a Fully Reusable two-Stage Rocket

3 years ago

A new animation shows what an alternate design for the Space Shuttle - a fully-reusable two-stage vehicle (DC-3) - would…

A Supercomputer Gives Better Focus to Blurry Radio Images

3 years ago

With better computers comes more battery imagery.  Or at least that’s true most of the time.  Supercomputers are extraordinarily good…

A Tracking System is now Scanning the Entire sky Every 24 Hours Looking for Dangerous Asteroids

3 years ago

As evidenced by a recent Netflix movie, dangerous asteroids can come from anywhere.  So there was an obvious weakness in…

A Second Generation of Planets can Form Around a Dying Star

3 years ago

When young stars coalesce out of a cloud of molecular hydrogen, a disk of leftover material called a protoplanetary disk…

The Science — and Fun — Behind “Moonfall”

3 years ago

The master of disaster has struck again, and this time our Moon is the ominous villain.   In “Moonfall,” film…