NASA is Getting Serious About the Search for Life in the Universe

3 years ago

Frameworks are a valuable tool in science.  They give context to sometimes abstract concepts such as “how powerful can an…

What’s Snuffing Out Galaxies Before Their Time?

3 years ago

In the Milky Way, the formation rate of stars is about one solar mass every year. About 10 billion years…

Astronomers Might Have Found a Planet in Another Galaxy

3 years ago

Not that long ago,, astronomers weren't sure that exoplanets even existed. Now we know that there are thousands of them…

Could our Universe be Someone’s Chemistry Project?

3 years ago

According to a new op-ed by Harvard Prof. Avi Loeb, our Universe may have been created by an advanced civilization,…

Is the Universe Fine-Tuned for Life?

3 years ago

In their book, two Australian astrophysicists question the idea that our Universe "fine-tuned" for life, with some interesting conclusions.

Moons are Planets too

3 years ago

If we define planets as worlds that are geologically complex, then some moons are planets too.

Ingenuity Back in Action on Mars on its 14th Flight

3 years ago

The Ingenuity Mars Helicopter took a short hop flight on October 24, giving the mission team both a sigh of…

A Mission to Explore the Methane Lakes on Titan

3 years ago

Titan has become a center of increasing attention as of late.  Discoveries from Cassini have only increased interest in the…

Scientists Simulate the Climate of Arrakis. It Turns Out Dune is a Pretty Realistic Exoplanet

3 years ago

Science fiction author Frank Herbert is renowned for the richly-detailed worlds he created. None of his work is more well-known…

Bacteria Could Make Rocket Fuel on Mars

3 years ago

There are many types of rocket fuel.  Some are more useful on a particular planet.  And some can be created…