A new Climate Model Suggests That Venus Never had Oceans

3 years ago

A new study has cast doubt on whether or not Venus ever had oceans, challenging the notion that it was…

Primordial Gravitational Waves Continue to Elude Astronomers

3 years ago

New observations put further constraints on primordial gravitational waves, but still haven't found them yet.

The Early Solar System Had a Gap Where the Asteroid Belt is Today

3 years ago

Wind the cosmic clock back a few billion years and our Solar System looked much different than it does today.…

A map of River Beds on Titan for Dragonfly to Explore

3 years ago

Explorers either have the benefit of having maps or the burden of creating them.  Similarly, space explorers have been building…

I Could Look at James Webb Unboxing Pictures all Day

3 years ago

Crews at the Guyanese Space Center recently "unboxed" the James Webb Space Telescope and are now getting it ready for…

Uh oh, one of Lucy’s Solar Arrays Hasn’t Latched Properly

3 years ago

As we’re fond of saying here at UT, space exploration is hard. Many things can go wrong when launching thousands…

Meteorites Found With Little Pieces of Other Stars

3 years ago

When Carl Sagan said, “We are all made of star stuff,” he didn’t just mean we were made up of…

There are 6×10^80 Bits of Information in the Observable Universe

3 years ago

A new study based on Information Theory has produced the first estimate on just how much data is encoded in…

The Large Magellanic Cloud Stole one of its Globular Clusters

3 years ago

Astronomers have known for years that galaxies are cannibalistic. Massive galaxies like our own Milky Way have gained mass by…

Lucy is off to Visit Jupiter’s Trojan Asteroids

3 years ago

NASA's Lucy spacecraft is on its way. The spacecraft was launched into space on Saturday, October 16th on an Atlas…