What’s Causing the Mysterious Radio Waves Coming From the Center of the Milky Way?

3 years ago

The center of the Milky Way is a mysterious place. Astronomers think there's a supermassive black hole there, though it…

Europa has Water in its Atmosphere

3 years ago

New research indicates that Jupiter's moon Europa has water vapor in its trailing atmosphere, which could inform missions headed there…

A Magnetic Tunnel Surrounds the Earth

3 years ago

What if our eyes could see radio waves? If we could, we might be able to look up into the…

Here’s the View From Sweden During the Recent Solar Storm

3 years ago

Vivid green and purple aurora swirled and danced across the entire night sky in Sweden recently. The nighttime light show…

Volcanism on the Moon Ended About 2 Billion Years ago

3 years ago

An international team examined lunar rocks brought back by the Chang'e-5 mission, and determined that volcanism ended on the Moon…

Why do Uranus and Neptune Have Magnetic Fields? Hot ice

3 years ago

The outer “ice giant” planets, Neptune and Uranus, have plenty of mysteries.  One of the biggest is where exactly they…

This’ll be us… in 5 Billion Years

3 years ago

Scientists have long known the fate of our solar system - and likely the fate of Earth itself.   In…

A Spacecraft Could use Gravity to Prevent a Dangerous Asteroid Impact

3 years ago

The idea of avoiding asteroid impacts has featured prominently in the public’s mind for decades - especially since the release…

Did Titan Give Saturn its Tilt?

3 years ago

Giant planets like Saturn don't just tilt over all by themselves: something has to knock them over, or tug on…

William Shatner Completes his Trip to Space With Blue Origin

3 years ago

William Shatner and the crew of the Blue Origin NS-18 mission made it back to Earth safe and sound!