NASA Spacecraft Takes a Picture of Jupiter … From the Moon

3 years ago

You know the feeling …. seeing Jupiter through your own telescope. If it gives you the chills -- like it…

A Technique to Find Oceans on Other Worlds

3 years ago

A new study shows how next-generation observatories could directly observe oceans on exoplanets, which could narrow the search for extraterrestrial…

It’ll Soon be Possible to Make Satellite Phone Calls With Your Regular Phone

3 years ago

Not all who wander are lost - but sometimes their cell phone reception is.  That might change soon if a…

Here’s Perseverance, Seen From Space

3 years ago

The Mars Perseverance rover is on the move! The HiRISE camera on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter spotted the rover from…

Astronomers Look at Super-Earths That had Their Atmospheres Stripped Away by Their Stars

3 years ago

A new study examines two rocky exoplanets (TOI-1634b and TOI-1685b) that appear to have been stripped of their atmospheres.

When Did Photosynthesis Begin?

3 years ago

Sometime around 2.4 billion years ago, a nascent planet Earth underwent one of the most dramatic changes in its history.…

Communication With Mars is About to Become Impossible (for two Weeks)

3 years ago

Every two years, Mars enters what is known as a "Solar Conjunction," where its orbit takes it behind the Sun…

Future Telescopes Could be Seeing the Wrong Planets

3 years ago

When we directly observe distant worlds, some exoplanets might appear Earth-like, even when they are not.

Rogue Planets Could be Habitable

3 years ago

The search for potentially habitable planets is focused on exoplanets—planets orbiting other stars—for good reason. The only planet we know…

Some of the Moon’s Craters are so Dark, it Takes AI to see What’s Inside Them

3 years ago

There is no dark side of the Moon.  But there are dark spots on it - specifically at the bottom…