BepiColombo Meets Mercury for the First Time on October 1

3 years ago

BepiColombo made a quick visit to Venus in August and is on to its next rendezvous. On October 1st it'll…

Starlink can be Used as a Navigation System too

3 years ago

Starlink keeps growing, and so do its capabilities.  Lately, even people outside of SpaceX have even been developing capabilities for…

Giant Balls of Mush Made From Ammonia and Water Form in the Atmospheres of Uranus and Neptune

3 years ago

One advantage to planetary science is that insights from one planet could explain phenomena on another.  We understand Venus’ greenhouse…

Even the Quiet Supermassive Black Holes are Blasting out Neutrinos and Gamma Rays

3 years ago

Is there anywhere in the Universe where we can escape from radiation? Certainly not here on Earth. And not in…

Landsat 9 Joins a Fleet of Earth Observation Satellites

3 years ago

Earth has a new eye in orbit to monitor our changing planet.   Landsat 9 launched on September 27, 2021…

Mars has Seasons, and They Might Have Revealed Where it’s Hiding its Water

3 years ago

The search for water on Mars has consumed a lot of data collection and research time.  Underground lakes have been…

Dozens of Robots Competed to Race Through Underground Caves

3 years ago

America’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is well known for its challenges.  It held a series of autonomous driving…

Lunar Landers Could Spray Instant Landing Pads as They Arrive at the Moon

3 years ago

Space exploration requires all kinds of interesting solutions to complex problems.  There is a branch of NASA designed to support…

Aging White Dwarfs Become Even More Magnetic

3 years ago

A survey of white dwarfs shows they get more magnetic as they age, and we don't know why.

NASA’s Human Space Exploration Division is Being Split in Two

3 years ago

Large government organizations require lots of people to run them.  NASA is no exception.  America’s space agency has long been…