The Moon was Pummeled Even Harder by Asteroids Than it Looks

3 years ago

The Moon's pitted surface tells a tale of repeated impacts over a long period of time. While Earth's active geology…

Astronomers See Carbon-Rich Nebulae Where Planets are Forming

3 years ago

Understanding the birth of a planet is a challenging puzzle. We know that planets form inside clouds of gas and…

ExoMars Will be Drilling 1.7 Meters to Pull its Samples From Below the Surface of Mars

3 years ago

The ESA just finished testing the drill that will allow the Rosalind Franklin rover to search for signs of life…

Finally an Answer to why Gamma Rays are Coming From Seemingly Empty Space

3 years ago

A galaxy survey has shown us the origin of gamma rays from empty space.

Astronaut Blood and Urine Could Help Build Structures on the Moon

3 years ago

Thinking outside the box has always been a strong suit of space exploration.  Whether taking a picture of the Earth…

Perseverance has Already Detected Over 300 Dust Devils and Vortices on Mars

3 years ago

Dust devils are generally used as a trope in media when the writers want to know that an area is…

Astronauts Have Used Bacteria to Extract Useful Metals out of Rocks

3 years ago

History has viewed mining as a job that requires a lot of heavy machinery and physical labor.  Pulling valuable material…

If Aliens Are Out There, We’ll Meet Them in a Few Hundred Million Years

3 years ago

A new study indicates that aliens are probably out there, occupying half of the Universe, and we'll likely meet them…

Something big Just hit Jupiter!

3 years ago

A remnant of an asteroid or comet just hit Jupiter, and it was seen by amateur and professional astronomers all…

SpaceX Launches Four Civilians to Space with Inspiration4!

3 years ago

The Inspiration4 mission, the first all-civilian spaceflight in history, has launched to space and raised millions of dollars for cancer…