Breakthrough Listen Searched for Signals From Intelligent Civilizations Near the Center of the Milky Way

3 years ago

If there are aliens out there, they probably aren't in the central region of our galaxy.

Are we Seeing a Star That Just got Spaghettified?

3 years ago

Sometimes astronomers come up with awesome names for certain phenomena and then feel like they can’t use them in formal…

Mid-Latitude Glaciers on Mars Could Supply Water to Human Explorers

3 years ago

New research shows how a subsurface glacier in the Arcadia Planitia region of Mars would make an ideal landing site…

How Salty is Enceladus’ Ocean Under the ice?

3 years ago

An icy satellite of Saturn, Enceladus, has been a subject of increasing interest in recent years since Cassini captured jets…

China Launches the Core Module of Its New Space Station

3 years ago

Early on Thursday, a Long March 5B rocket - currently the most powerful of China's space launch vehicles - blasted…

11-Sigma Detection of Dark Energy Comes From Measuring Over a Million Extremely Distant Galaxies

3 years ago

A new study confirms the existence of dark energy with stunning accuracy.

Ingenuity Completes a Huge 50-Meter Flight on Mars

3 years ago

The Ingenuity Mars Helicopter just completed its third test flight and set new records for traveling farther and faster than…

Stare Straight Down Into a Giant Storm on Jupiter

3 years ago

A new batch of images recently arrived at Earth from JunoCam, the visible light camera on board the Juno spacecraft…

NASA is now Planning a Mission to go 1,000 AU From the Sun, Deep Into Interstellar Space

3 years ago

A different perspective can do wonders.  Perceiving things from a different angle can both metaphorically and literally allow people to…

“Put LUCKY on My Tombstone.” Apollo 11 Astronaut Michael Collins Dies at 90

3 years ago

We bid a reluctant but truly fond farewell today to Michael Collins. The NASA astronaut passed away at the age…