A Recent Megaflare Shows that Proxima Centauri is not a Nice Place to Live

3 years ago

A new international research effort observed a massive solar flare from Proxima Centauri, which indicates (yet again) that its not…

Perseverance Successfully Extracts Oxygen From the Martian Atmosphere. About 10 Minutes of Breathing Time for an Astronaut

3 years ago

Humanity achieved an incredible series of new milestones on Mars this week. It began on Monday April 19th, when the…

Giant Planet is Found at an Extreme Distance From its Star

3 years ago

One of the best things about the sheer number of exoplanets that astronomers are currently finding is how some are…

Blue Origin’s Latest New Shepard Flight is a Success, With Passengers Climbing on Board (and Getting off Again Before it Flew)

3 years ago

Blue Origin is once again feeling momentum after the latest successful flight of their New Shepard launch vehicle.

New Horizons is Now 50 Astronomical Units Away From the Sun

3 years ago

As the New Horizons spacecraft hurtles out towards interstellar space, it has now reached an historical milestone. On April 17,…

Catch Comet R4 ATLAS as it Nears Earth

3 years ago

Time to catch comet C/2020 R4 ATLAS… while you can.

What if Starship Didn’t Do a Landing Burn at All?

3 years ago

Another 3D graphic artist has a proposal for Musk: to "catch" the Starship using a special launch tower, kind of…

One Idea to Explain Dark Matter – Ultralight Bosons – Fails the Test

3 years ago

A study of rotating black holes show that some spin so quickly because dark matter particles haven't slowed them down.

Meteorites Hold Early Atmospheres From Across the Solar System

3 years ago

Since they were formed in the early solar system, many meteorites offer an unadulterated view into what that solar system…

NASA Picks SpaceX to Land Astronauts on the Moon!

3 years ago

NASA has selected SpaceX to develop the Human Landing System (HLS) that will bring the "first woman and next man"…