Galileo Sunspot Sketches Versus Modern ‘Deep Learning’ AI

3 years ago

A new study turns modern 'deep learning' techniques on Galileo's early sketches of the Sun.

Earth Gains 5,200 Tons of Dust From Space Every Year

3 years ago

Whenever I wipe the dust off my coffee table or catch a glimpse of dust motes floating in sunlight, my…

The Same Technology Could Search for Microbes in Mars Rocks or Under the ice on Europa

3 years ago

NASA's SHERLOC and WATSON, two spectrometers designed to look for biosignatures, could answer if there's life on Mars on inside…

Trojan Mission Lucy Tested its Solar Panels for the First Time. Those Things are Huge

3 years ago

Space missions often have to go where the sun don’t shine. Or at least where it shines very faintly.  That…

Gaia Finds 12 Examples of Einstein Crosses; Galaxies Being Gravitationally Lensed so we see Them Repeated 4 Times

3 years ago

After examining data from the Gaia Observatory, a team of researchers found 12 more examples of the rare phenomenon known…

Brown Dwarfs can Spin so Fast They Almost Tear Themselves Apart

3 years ago

Some brown dwarfs rotate so fast that they are flattened spheres. If they rotate any faster they might fly apart.

OSIRIS-REx Did One Last Close Flyby of Asteroid Bennu. It’s Almost Time to Come Home

3 years ago

After more than two years in orbit around asteroid Bennu, NASA's OSIRIS-REx spacecraft is ready to come home. It's bringing…

How’s the Weather in Jezero Crater? According to Perseverance: Cold

3 years ago

The Perseverance rover just provided its first Martian weather report (it was cold!), which could help inform future missions involving…

Primordial Asteroids That Never Suffered Massive Collisions all Seem to be Larger Than 100 km. Why?

3 years ago

The early asteroids had a similar size, and this could be due to turbulence in the early solar system.

What Would Raindrops be Like on Other Worlds?

3 years ago

Precipitation is much more widespread throughout that solar system than commonly assumed.  Obviously it rains water on Earth.  But it…