Biden Administration is Looking for a 6.3% Increase in NASA’s Budget for 2022

3 years ago

Space research, like much else in capitalist societies, is driven by funding.  The biggest source of that funding for that…

Citizen Scientists Discover a new Feature in Star Formation: “Yellowballs”

3 years ago

AI is often touted as being particularly good at finding patterns amongst reams of data.  But humans also are extremely…

Ground-Based Lasers Could Push Space Debris off Collision-Course Orbits

3 years ago

Researchers at the Australian National University (ANU) are finding new uses for the laser-based technology that sharpens telescope imagery –…

If you Want to Move an Asteroid, you Need the Right Kind of Nuclear Explosion

3 years ago

A new collaborative study has shown that nuclear explosions could be used to deflect asteroids, protecting Earth from cataclysmic impacts.

Finding Oxygen on an Alien World Doesn't Always Mean There's Life There

3 years ago

Oxygen could indicate presence of life on another world, but for red dwarf planets finding oxygen isn't enough.

100-meter Asteroid Created a Strange Impact Event in Antarctica 430,000 Years Ago

3 years ago

The effects of ancient asteroid impacts on Earth are still evident from the variety of impact craters across our planet.…

Galileo Sunspot Sketches Versus Modern ‘Deep Learning’ AI

3 years ago

A new study turns modern 'deep learning' techniques on Galileo's early sketches of the Sun.

Earth Gains 5,200 Tons of Dust From Space Every Year

3 years ago

Whenever I wipe the dust off my coffee table or catch a glimpse of dust motes floating in sunlight, my…

The Same Technology Could Search for Microbes in Mars Rocks or Under the ice on Europa

3 years ago

NASA's SHERLOC and WATSON, two spectrometers designed to look for biosignatures, could answer if there's life on Mars on inside…

Trojan Mission Lucy Tested its Solar Panels for the First Time. Those Things are Huge

3 years ago

Space missions often have to go where the sun don’t shine. Or at least where it shines very faintly.  That…