The Closest Star Cluster to Earth is Being Dismantled in Front of our Eyes

3 years ago

Star clusters are interesting inhabitants of the sky.  They vary in sizes, distances, and number of stars, but almost all…

Simulating the Universe a Trillionth of a Second After the Big Bang

3 years ago

The Big Bang remains the best way to explain what happened at the beginning of the Universe.   However, the…

Seen From Space, Iceland’s new Volcano Lights up the Island at Night

3 years ago

You’ve probably seen stunning images of the night side of the Earth from space. Most people have seen the veritable…

Maybe Mars Didn’t Lose its Water After All. It’s Still Trapped on the Planet

3 years ago

Roughly 4 billion years ago, Mars looked a lot different than it does today. For starters, its atmosphere was thicker…

Latest Starship Prototype SN11 Explodes in mid-air, Raining Debris on the Launch Site

3 years ago

SpaceX just conducted its fourth high-altitude flight test with a Starship prototype (SN11). Once again, there was a slight explosion!

One Idea for a Lunar Lava Tube Explorer

3 years ago

Lava tubes on the moon are some of the most interesting, and difficult, places to explore in the solar system. …

LEGO Announces the Space Shuttle Discovery and Hubble Edition

3 years ago

When I saw the opportunity to write about a new Lego set featuring the Space Shuttle Discovery and Hubble, I…

Mars Spiders Form as Spring Arrives on Mars. But why?

3 years ago

A person suffering from arachnophobia might think their fear would stoked on a trip to Mars.  However, there is such…

This Time NASA’s SLS Hotfire Goes the Full 8 Minutes

3 years ago

The Core Stage of NASA's SLS rocket passed its Hot Fire test with flying colors, remaining lit for over 8…

A 1-Stage, Fully Reusable Lunar Lander Makes the Most Sense for Returning Humans to the Moon

3 years ago

A study conducted by researchers from Moscow and MIT has determined that a reusable lunar lander is the best option…