Careful Calculations Show That Earth is Safe From Asteroid Apophis for at Least 100 Years

3 years ago

If you're looking for doomsday, you can forget about asteroid Apophis. The latest radar observations have effectively ruled out any…

The Event Horizon Telescope has Revealed the Magnetic Field Lines Around M87's Central Black Hole

3 years ago

A new look at the black hole in M87 tells us about the magnetic fields that drive its activity.

Exploring the Moon’s Shadowed Regions Using Beamed Energy

3 years ago

NASA is exploring new concepts for its long-awaited return to the Moon, one of which promises to "beam" power wherever…

Newly Forming Stars Don’t Blast Away Material as Previously Believed. So Why Do They Stop Growing?

3 years ago

We thought we understood how stars are formed. It turns out, we don't. Not completely, anyway. A new study, recently…

A Very Powerful Solar Storm Hit the Earth Back in 1582

3 years ago

"A great fire appeared in the sky to the North, and lasted three nights," wrote a Portuguese scribe in early…

Gravitational Lenses Could Allow a Galaxy-Wide Internet

3 years ago

We could gravitationally lens radio signals to communicate with space probes at other stars. Maybe even communicate across the galaxy.

Perseverance Begins its Science on Mars With a Laser zap

3 years ago

Perseverance has already made its mark on scientific history by taking the first audio recording ever on Mars.  But the…

Rocks and Other Features at Perseverance’s Landing Site are Getting Navajo Names

3 years ago

In conjunction with the Navajo Nation, the Perseverance mission team is designating features in the Jezero Crater with Najavo names

New Binocular Nova Cas 2021 Flares in Cassiopeia

3 years ago

A ‘new star’ erupted into visibility over the past weekend, and continues to brighten.

Mont Mercou on Mars

3 years ago

Here are a few stunning views of the Curiosity Rover’s current location, Mont Mercou in Gale Crater on Mars. This…