Researchers Discover the Source of the Sun’s Most Dangerous High-Energy Particles

4 years ago

Sometimes the sun spits out high-energy particles which slam into the Earth, potentially disrupting our sensitive electronics. New research has…

Fantastic Analysis of SN-10 Landing and Explosion by Scott Manley

4 years ago

A new video by astrophysicist and Youtuber Scott Manley breaks down what went wrong with SpaceX's latest test flight

Did Supermassive Black Holes Form Directly From Dark Matter?

4 years ago

Supermassive black holes are just a little bit too supermassive - astronomers have difficulty explaining how they got so big…

Move Over, Electron: Rocket Lab Introduces Its New Neutron Rocket

4 years ago

Peter Beck announces an addition to the Rocket Lab family, with the Neutron Rocket.

This Exoplanetary System Breaks all the Rules

4 years ago

It's just like a normal solar system...except completely backwards. (more…)

How do you get Power into Your Lunar Base? With a Tower of Concrete Several Kilometers High

4 years ago

It sounds like science fiction, but building an enormous tower several kilometers high on the Lunar surface may be the…

Apollo Rocks Reveal the Moon’s Early History

4 years ago

A new analysis of lunar rock samples has revealed details about its early history, particularly how the Moon's iron core…

VY Canis Majoris is “Like Betelgeuse on Steroids”

4 years ago

The disappearance of a star can take many forms.  It could go supernova.  It could turn into a black hole. …

The Most Recent Volcanic Activity on the Moon? Just 100 Million Years ago

4 years ago

Regions of the Moon known as irregular mare patches - formed by magma cooling from a volcanic eruption - have…

Astronomers Track a Neutrino Back to the Source. Where a Black Hole Tore Apart a Star

4 years ago

Neutrinos are notoriously finicky particles.  Hundreds of trillions pass through a person’s body every second, yet they hardly seem to…