Don’t Be Surprised if EmDrive Experiments Never Work

3 years ago

Every few years the "EmDrive", a proposed method of generating rocket thrust without any exhaust, hits the news. Each time,…

Shanghai is About to Open the World’s Largest Astronomy Museum

3 years ago

The Shanghai Astronomy Museum, the largest museum in the world dedicated solely to the study of the cosmos, will open…

Here’s SpaceX’s new Drone Ship: “A Shortfall of Gravitas”

3 years ago

At this point, SpaceX could claim to be both a rocket company and also a maritime shipping company.  The company…

How did Supermassive Black Holes Form? Collapsing Dark Matter Halos can Explain Them

3 years ago

We don't quite understand how the first supermassive black holes formed so quickly in the young universe. So a team…

From the way These Stars Look, a Supernova is Inevitable

3 years ago

Sometimes loud explosions are easier to deal with when you know they’re coming.  They are also easier to watch out…

According to Elon, Starship Could Chomp up Space Junk

3 years ago

Elon Musk recently suggested that the Starship could be configured to "chomp up" orbital debris.

Exploding Material From a Gamma-ray Burst Scrambled Nearby Magnetic Fields

3 years ago

A team of astronomers has found that giant, organized magnetic fields can help drive some of the most powerful explosions…

Report Suggests That Astronauts Shouldn’t get More Than 600 Millisieverts of Radiation Exposure During Their Career. We get 2-3 a Year Down Here on Earth

3 years ago

Space may be pretty, but it's dangerous. Astronauts face a much higher dose of ionizing radiation than us Earth-bound folks,…

The Sun is Mellow Yellow Today. Billions of Years Ago? Not So Much

3 years ago

Planetary formation theory has been undergoing a lot of changes recently, with an ever expanding litany of events that can…

A Nearby White Dwarf Might be About to Collapse Into a Neutron Star

3 years ago

A white dwarf star has been found that's more massive than our Sun, but about the same size as our…