The Earth’s Magnetosphere Might be Creating Water on the Moon

4 years ago

There's no doubt that the Moon has water on its surface. Orbiters have spotted deposits of ice persisting in the…

By Measuring Light From Individual Stars Between Galaxy Clusters, Astronomers Find Clues About Dark Matter

4 years ago

Astronomers have been able to measure an extremely faint glow of light within galaxy clusters, and that measurement came with…

Black Holes Simulated in a Tank of Water Reveals “Backreaction” for the First Time

4 years ago

Water simulations that small gravitational waves near a black hole can significantly change the black hole's behavior.

A new Class of Exoplanets can Shrink, From Subneptunes Into Superearths

4 years ago

Mighty planets can be whittled down, leaving behind only their rocky cores, becoming nothing bigger than superearths. While astronomers had…

Physicists Figure out how to Make Gravitational Wave Detectors “Hear” 6x More Universe

4 years ago

Gravitational wave detectors are limited by fundamental quantum noise - an incessant "hum" that they cannot ever remove. But now…

What Could We Learn From a Mission to Phobos?

4 years ago

According to new research that looks at MAVEN data, Mars' larger moon (Phobos) could contain a record of how Mars'…

SN9 Tests Ends With a Boom. You’re Up SN10

4 years ago

SpaceX just conducted their second high-altitude flight tests, which once again ended in an explosion. On to SN10!

When Galaxies Collide, Black Holes Don’t Always Get the Feast They Were Hoping for

4 years ago

What happens when galaxies collide? Well, if any humans are around in about a billion years, they might find out.…

MESSENGER Saw a Meteoroid Strike Mercury

4 years ago

Telescopes have captured meteoroids hitting the Moon and several spacecraft imaged Comet Shoemaker–Levy 9 smacking into Jupiter in 1994. But…

Astronomers are Starting to Understand the Quasar Lifecycle

4 years ago

Supermassive black holes have a complicated lifecycle. Sometimes they're "on", blasting out tremendous amounts of energy, and sometimes they're "off',…