Exoplanetary System Found With 6 Worlds in Orbital Resonance

4 years ago

200 light-years away from Earth, there's a K-type main-sequence star named TOI (TESS Object of Interest) 178. When Adrian Leleu,…

Iceland is a Similar Environment to Ancient Mars

4 years ago

A new study conducted by NASA scientists and Rice University shows how Iceland's environment is the closest analog on Earth…

Saturn Got Its Tilt From Its Moons

4 years ago

One of the fundamental tenets of physics is that two objects, now matter how different their size, exert a force…

OSIRIS-REx is Heading for Home in May

4 years ago

The OSIRIS-REx team decided to delay the spacecraft’s departure from asteroid Bennu for two months. The departure window opens in…

Space and Sustainability: How the Lessons of Biosphere 2 Inspired SAM²

4 years ago

Guided by the lessons of Biosphere 2 experiments, a team of experts is launching the Space Analog for the Moon…

Astronomers Find a Planet Like Jupiter, but It Doesn’t Have any Clouds

4 years ago

Can you picture Jupiter without any observable clouds or haze? It isn't easy since Jupiter's latitudinal cloud bands and its…

All The Gravitational Waves Detected So Far

4 years ago

Few events in the astronomy community were received with more fanfare than the first detection of gravitational waves, which took…

Low-Cost Approach to Scanning Historic Glass Plates Yields an Astronomical Surprise

4 years ago

A new process highlights an innovative way to get old sky images online… and turned up a potential extra-galactic discovery…

What Did The Solar System Look Like Before All The Planets Migrated?

4 years ago

Early planetary migration in the solar system has been long established, and there are myriad theories that have been put…

Solar Orbiter Caught Venus, Earth and Mars in One of its Photos

4 years ago

The Solar Orbiter spacecraft is heading towards the center of the Solar System, with the goal of capturing the closest…