Asteroid 16 Psyche Might Not be a Solid Chunk of Metal After All, but Another Rubble Pile

4 years ago

Asteroid 16 Psyche, often sensationally dubbed the 10,000 quadrillion dollar asteroid due to its composition of valuable metals, may not…

It’s Time for Perseverance to get to Work

4 years ago

Given all of the news surrounding the landing and first few months of operation of the Perseverance rover on Mars,…

What’s the Connection Between the Chemistry of a Star and the Formation of its Planets?

4 years ago

Scientists seem to have come up with a new parlor game - how many ways can we potentially detect exoplanets? …

How To Search the Chemical Makeup of Exoplanet Atmospheres for Hints at Their History

4 years ago

Author’s note – this article was written with Dr. Vincent Kofman, a scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), working in…

Relativity Space Gets a Huge Investment to Take on SpaceX With Reusable Rockets

4 years ago

Relativity Space, a recent to the commercial space sector, is primed to become one of SpaceX and Blue Origin's toughest…

ESA is Joining NASA With Their own Mission to Venus

4 years ago

It’s an exciting time to be a Venus watcher.  Our sister planet, which has been the target of only one…

What Mission Could Detect Oceans at Uranus’ Moons?

4 years ago

Exploration of ocean worlds has become a hot topic of late, primarily due to their role as a potential harbor…

White Dwarf Measured Before it Exploded as a Supernova

4 years ago

Using isotope measurements of a supernova remnant, astronomers have calculated the core density of a white dwarf before it exploded.

The Moons of Rogue Planets Could Have Liquid Surface Water and Thick Atmospheres. They Could be Habitable

4 years ago

A rocky world might not need a star to be habitable. It might just need to orbit a large gas…

Supernova Observed by Astronomers in 1181 Could Have Been a Rare Type 1ax That Leaves Behind a “Zombie Star” Remnant

4 years ago

In 1181 CE, Chinese and Japanese astronomers noticed a "guest star" as bright as Saturn briefly appearing in their night…