Asteroid 16 Psyche, often sensationally dubbed the 10,000 quadrillion dollar asteroid due to its composition of valuable metals, may not…
Given all of the news surrounding the landing and first few months of operation of the Perseverance rover on Mars,…
Scientists seem to have come up with a new parlor game - how many ways can we potentially detect exoplanets? …
Author’s note – this article was written with Dr. Vincent Kofman, a scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), working in…
Relativity Space, a recent to the commercial space sector, is primed to become one of SpaceX and Blue Origin's toughest…
It’s an exciting time to be a Venus watcher. Our sister planet, which has been the target of only one…
Exploration of ocean worlds has become a hot topic of late, primarily due to their role as a potential harbor…
Using isotope measurements of a supernova remnant, astronomers have calculated the core density of a white dwarf before it exploded.
A rocky world might not need a star to be habitable. It might just need to orbit a large gas…
In 1181 CE, Chinese and Japanese astronomers noticed a "guest star" as bright as Saturn briefly appearing in their night…