Astronauts Could Dust off Themselves and Equipment on the Moon With an Electron Beam

4 years ago

In the near future, astronauts could use a handheld electron beam to remove lunar dust from their suits and hardware.

‘Super-Blood Moon’ Total Lunar Eclipse Set For May 26th

4 years ago

The first total lunar eclipse of 2021 occurs early next week and features the largest Full Moon of the year.

A Solution to Space Junk: Satellites Made of Mushrooms?

4 years ago

According "cyber farmer" Max Justice, a solution to the growing problem of space junk and toxic chemicals could come in…

Bright Ejecta Reveals a Fresh Crater on Mars

4 years ago

Meteors hit much harder on Mars than they do on the Earth.  Lack of atmosphere obviously contributes to that, but…

60 Years Later, is it Time to Update the Drake Equation?

4 years ago

On the 60th anniversary of the famous Drake Equation, a new study considers whether or not it is still of…

What’s the Best Way to Water Plants in Space?

4 years ago

Humans have maintained a continuous presence in space on the International Space Station (ISS) for more than 20 years now.…

Hydroxyl (OH) Seen for the First Time in an Exoplanet Atmosphere

4 years ago

The molecule hydroxyl (HO) is common on Earth, but astronomers have not yet determined how abundant it is on other…

Astronomers Measure the Background Brightness of the Night sky Across the World. Canary Islands are the Darkest in the Survey

4 years ago

Being able to look up at a clear, dark sky is becoming more and more rare in the rich world. …

Massive Stars Mix Hydrogen in Their Cores, Causing Them to Pulse Every few Hours or Days

4 years ago

Blue giant stars have a convective core that allows them to shine much longer.

Older Stars Rotate Faster Than Expected

4 years ago

Older stars should slow down, but new observations reveal that they have just as much of a spring in their…