This Exoplanetary System Breaks all the Rules

4 years ago

It's just like a normal solar system...except completely backwards. (more…)

How do you get Power into Your Lunar Base? With a Tower of Concrete Several Kilometers High

4 years ago

It sounds like science fiction, but building an enormous tower several kilometers high on the Lunar surface may be the…

Apollo Rocks Reveal the Moon’s Early History

4 years ago

A new analysis of lunar rock samples has revealed details about its early history, particularly how the Moon's iron core…

VY Canis Majoris is “Like Betelgeuse on Steroids”

4 years ago

The disappearance of a star can take many forms.  It could go supernova.  It could turn into a black hole. …

The Most Recent Volcanic Activity on the Moon? Just 100 Million Years ago

4 years ago

Regions of the Moon known as irregular mare patches - formed by magma cooling from a volcanic eruption - have…

Astronomers Track a Neutrino Back to the Source. Where a Black Hole Tore Apart a Star

4 years ago

Neutrinos are notoriously finicky particles.  Hundreds of trillions pass through a person’s body every second, yet they hardly seem to…

New Supercomputer Simulations Will Help pin Down Inflation

4 years ago

In the very earliest moments of the big bang, the universe experienced a period of rapid expansion known as inflation.…

Simulations of the Universe are Getting Better and Better at Matching Reality

4 years ago

How can you possibly use simulations to reconstruct the history of the entire universe using only a small sample of…

Gliese 486b is a Hellish World With Temperatures Above 700 Kelvin

4 years ago

The CARMENES consortium recently discovered a super-Earth just 21 light-years away that will be the perfect test case for exoplanets…

Dust in the Chixalub Crater Makes the Compelling Case That an Asteroid Wiped out the Dinosaurs 65 Million Years ago

4 years ago

For decades scientists have believed that an asteroid impact event ended the era of the dinosaurs 66 million years ago.…