What’s the Most Effective Way to Explore our Nearest Stars?

5 months ago

It was 1903 that the Wright brothers made the first successful self-propelled flight. Launching themselves to history, they set the…

Radiating Exoplanet Discovered in “Perfect Tidal Storm”

5 months ago

Can tidal forces cause an exoplanet’s surface to radiate heat? This is what a recent study accepted to The Astronomical…

The Giant Planets Migrated Between 60-100 Million Years After the Solar System Formed

5 months ago

Untangling what happened in our Solar System tens or hundreds of millions of years ago is challenging. Millions of objects…

Artemis Astronauts Will Deploy New Seismometers on the Moon

5 months ago

Back in the 1960s and 1970s, Apollo astronauts set up a collection of lunar seismometers to detect possible Moon quakes.…

Ice Deposits on Ceres Might Only Be a Few Thousand Years Old

5 months ago

The dwarf planet Ceres has some permanently dark craters that hold ice. Astronomers thought the ice was ancient when they…

The Mystery of Cosmic Rays Deepens

5 months ago

Cosmic rays are high-energy particles accelerated to extreme velocities approaching the speed of light. It takes an extremely powerful event…

NASA Confirms that a Piece of its Battery Pack Smashed into a Florida Home

5 months ago

NASA is in the business of launching things into orbit. But what goes up must come down, and if whatever…

Are Titan's Dunes Made of Comet Dust?

5 months ago

A new theory suggests that Titan's majestic dune fields may have come from outer space. Researchers had always assumed that…

The Solar Wind is Stripping Oxygen and Carbon Away From Venus

5 months ago

The BepiColombo mission, a joint effort between JAXA and the ESA, was only the second (and most advanced) mission to…

The Solar Eclipse Like We’ve Never Seen it Before

5 months ago

You had to be in the right part of North America to get a great view of the recent solar…