Betelgeuse is Continuing to Dim! It’s Down to 1.506 Magnitude

5 years ago

Betelgeuse keeps getting dimmer and everyone is wondering what exactly that means. The star will go supernova at the end…

Weekly Space Hangout: January 22, 2020 – Dr. Kenneth Carpenter of HST and WFIRST

5 years ago Hosts: Fraser Cain ( / @fcain) Allen Versfeld ( / @uastronomer) Carolyn Collins Petersen ( / @spacewriter) Michael Rodruck (@michaelrodruck) This week we welcome…

A Twilight Tryst: Venus Meets Neptune in the Dusk Sky

5 years ago

Never seen Neptune? It’s time you should, and this weekend offers a fine time to try, as the faintest planet…

Space Force Uniforms are Perfectly Camouflaged for a Forest Moon

5 years ago

The United States Space Force has given us a look at their new uniforms, and critics are savaging them on…

Curiosity Looked up and Saw Phobos During the Daytime

5 years ago

This image of Phobos in the sky above Mars was taken by Curiosity in 2012 and was recently refurbished by…

China’s 500-Meter FAST Radio Telescope is Now Operational

5 years ago

The world's largest and most sensitive radio telescope is officially open for business according to Xinhua, China's official state-run media.…

According to NASA, 2019 Was the Second Hottest Year on Record

5 years ago

NASA and the NOAA just announced that 2019 was the second hottest year on record. It barely edged out 2016,…

SpaceX Crew Dragon Capsule Nails In-Flight Abort Test! Next Stop, the ISS!

5 years ago

SpaceX nailed the in-flight abort test of its Crew Dragon capsule this weekend, putting them one step closer to sending…

More Mysterious Space Blobs Have Been Found Near the Center of the Milky Way

5 years ago

Scientists have found six objects near the center of our galaxy that orbit Sagittarius A. These objects appear to be…

Crew Dragon Abort Test is Scheduled for Saturday Morning

5 years ago

On Saturday morning, Jan. 18th, 2020, SpaceX and NASA will be conducting the in-flight abort test of the Crew Dragon,…