Hayabusa 2 Has Sent its Last Rover to Ryugu

5 years ago

Japan's Hayabusa 2 mission to asteroid Ryugu has reached one of its final milestones, if not its climax. The sample-return…

Earth, Solar System, Milky Way. Are they Getting More or Less Massive Over Time?

5 years ago

According to a study by The Milky Way Halo Research Group, we now know how quickly the Milky Way is…

Here’s NASA’s New Plan to Get InSight’s Temperature Probe Into Mars

5 years ago

The mole is still stuck. The mole is the name given to the Heat Flow and Physical Properties Package (HP3)…

Juno is Afraid to Death of Jupiter’s Shadow. So it Fired its Thruster for Over 10 Hours to Avoid It.

5 years ago

In a death-defying maneuver for the spacecraft, NASA's Juno has completed an unprecedented and unplanned engine burn. The purpose? To…

InSight Has Already Detected 21 Marsquakes

5 years ago

The SEIS (Seismic Experiment for Interior Structure) instrument on NASA's InSight lander has sensed 21 Marsquakes since it was deployed…

China’s Lander Successfully Grew Some Cotton Plants on the Moon. Fruit Flies and Potatoes Didn’t Fare So Well

5 years ago

When China's Chang'e-4 spacecraft landed on the lunar far side on January 3rd 2019, it made history. It was the…

Exoplanet Orbits its Star Every 18 Hours. The Quickest Hot-Jupiter Ever Found

5 years ago

The Next Generation Transit Survey recently discovered a hot-Jupiter with the shortest orbital period observed to date, just 18 hours!

Nine Astronauts from Four Different Space Agencies are on the International Space Station Right Now

5 years ago

The International Space Station's usual complement of six astronauts grew by 50% recently, making things a little crowded up there.…

Weekly Space Hangout: October 2, 2019 – Geoff Notkin, President of the National Space Society

5 years ago

Hosts: Fraser Cain (universetoday.com / @fcain) Annie Wilson (@BinaryAblaze) Pamela Hoffman (http://everydayspacer.com/ / @EverydaySpacer) Veranika "Nika" Klimovich Emmy Award-winning television…

Elon Musk Shows us What’s Inside the Starship

5 years ago

Elon Musk recently upload a video that shows that the interior of the Starship's prototype cargo bay.