It Hasn’t Rained on Mars for a Long Time, but These Sand Dunes Look Like Raindrops, and They’re Filled with Chemicals Made in Water

5 years ago

A recent image from the MRO shows rows of olivine-rich dunes in the Copernicus Crater on Mars, a feature that…

Thanks to Trump, We’ve Got a Better Idea of the Capabilities of US Surveillance Satellites

5 years ago

The US President has done it again. Just when you think things can't get any more—"unusual"— in the White House,…

The Spaceline: an Elevator From the Earth to the Moon

5 years ago

A team of scientists recently proposed an alternative to a Space Elevator - the "Spaceline", a tether that extends from…

Elon Musks Says that his Next Starship Could be Twice as Big

5 years ago

According to Musk's latest tweet, SpaceX's next rocket could be twice as big (and eight times the volume) as the…

Mars 2020 Rover Gets its Helicopter Sidekick

5 years ago

Work on the Mars 2020 Rover is heating up as the July/August 2020 launch date approaches. Mission engineers just attached…

A 3D Printed Telescope: The Analog Sky Drifter

5 years ago

A unique 3d printed telescope named the Analog Sky Drifter may spark a revolution in amateur telescope making.

Carnival of Space #626

5 years ago

This week's Carnival of Space is hosted by Brian Wang at his Next Big Future blog. Click here to read Carnival…

By Continuously Watching the Moon, we Could Detect Interstellar Meteorites

5 years ago

In a new study, a pair Harvard scientists calculated how often interstellar objects could collide with our Moon, and how…

Even Though it Hasn’t Launched Yet, JUICE Took its First Images of Jupiter and its Moons

5 years ago

Is there a more complicated and sophisticated technological engineering project than a spacecraft? Maybe a particle accelerator or a fusion…

Bringing Mars To Earth. The Plans For a Mars Sample Return Mission

5 years ago

One of the great accomplishments of the Apollo missions was to bring home hundreds of kilograms of lunar rock. Suddenly,…