The Seven Most Intriguing Worlds to Search for Advanced Civilizations (So Far)

5 months ago

Sometimes, the easy calculations are the most interesting. A recent paper from Balázs Bradák of Kobe University in Japan is…

What a Swarm of Probes Can Teach Us About Proxima Centauri B

5 months ago

You've likely heard of the Breakthrough Starshot (BTS) initiative. BTS aims to send tiny gram-scale, light sail picospacecraft to our…

Measuring the Atmospheres of Other Worlds to See if There are Enough Nutrients for Life

5 months ago

Life on Earth depends on six critical elements: Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Phosphorous, and Sulfur. These elements are referred to…

Does the Rise of AI Explain the Great Silence in the Universe?

5 months ago

Artificial Intelligence is making its presence felt in thousands of different ways. It helps scientists make sense of vast troves…

If We Want to Visit More Asteroids, We Need to Let the Spacecraft Think for Themselves

5 months ago

Missions to asteroids have been on a tear recently. Visits by Rosetta, Osirix-REX, and Hayabusa2 have all visited small bodies…

Testing a Probe that Could Drill into an Ice World

5 months ago

I remember reading about an audacious mission to endeavour to drill through the surface ice of Europa, drop in a…

What Could We Build With Lunar Regolith?

5 months ago

It has often been likened to talcum powder. The ultra fine lunar surface material known as the regolith is crushed…

The World's Largest Digital Camera is Complete. It Will Go Into the Vera Rubin Observatory

6 months ago

The Vera C. Rubin Observatory, formerly the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST), was formally proposed in 2001 to create an…

The First Atmospheric Rainbow on an Exoplanet?

6 months ago

Astronomers think they've detected the first-ever rainbow-like "glory effect" on an exoplanet. The observations were made with ESA's Cheops mission,…

Roman Will Learn the Ages of Hundreds of Thousands of Stars

6 months ago

Astronomers routinely provide the ages of the stars they study. But the methods of measuring ages aren't 100% accurate. Measuring…