Hubble is the Ultimate Multitasker: Discovering Asteroids While it’s Doing Other Observations

5 years ago

It looks like a poster of the famous Hubble Deep Field, marked with white streaks by a child, or put…

Uranus’ Rings are Surprisingly Bright in Thermal Emissions

5 years ago

New observations by ALMA and the VLT provide the most-detailed look yet at Uranus' system of rings, revealing things about…

Messier 88 – the NGC 4501 Spiral Galaxy

5 years ago

Located in the Coma Berenices constellation, about 50 to 60 million light-years from Earth, is the spiral galaxy known as…

NASA Model Shows Greenland’s Ice Sheet Will Disappear Over the Next 1000 Years, Raising Sea Levels by 7 Meters

5 years ago

Great news! Humankind's greatest-ever engineering project is nearing completion. Soon we will have warmed the Earth enough to get rid…

Deep Space Atomic Clocks Will Help Spacecraft Answer, with Incredible Precision, if They’re There Yet

5 years ago

How do spacecraft know where they are? There's no GPS out there. Right now, it involves sending a signal to…

Enceladus is Filled with Tasty Food for Bacteria

5 years ago

As soon as the Cassini-Huygens mission arrived the Saturn system in 2004, it began to send back a number of…

Want to Find Aliens? The Largest Dataset in the History of SETI has Been Released to the Public

5 years ago

Breakthrough Listen has just released their latest analysis of the past three years of their SETI research, as well as…

Stunning Image Shows How Saturn’s Tiny Moon Sculpts the Planet’s Rings

5 years ago

The Cassini mission to Saturn ended a year and a half ago, but scientific results are still coming from all…

Two Earth-Like Worlds Found Orbiting a Red Dwarf Only 12.5 Light-Years Away

5 years ago

The CARMENES project has detected two more Earth-like planets that orbit a red dwarf star just 12.5 light years away

Competition Will Let You Name an Exoplanet

5 years ago

When it comes to naming all those exoplanets that astronomers keep finding, it's up to the International Astronomical Union (IAU)…