Astronomers Finally Spot the Type of Star That Leads to Type 1C Supernovae

6 years ago

Thanks to a recently-observed supernova in a distant galaxy, astronomers have been able to find what type of star leads…

Carnival of Space #587

6 years ago

This week's Carnival of Space is hosted by Brian Wang at his Next Big Future blog. Click here to read Carnival…

Chinese Fusion Experiment Reaches 100 Million Degrees

6 years ago

Scientists at China's Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) reactor set a new temperature record by super-heating plasma to six times…

Huge Asteroid Impact Crater Found Just Under the Ice in Greenland

6 years ago

An international team of scientists have discovered what lay hidden under Arctic ice for thousands or even hundreds of thousands…

Lunar Outpost Shows off their New Rover that will Crawl the Moon, Searching for Resources

6 years ago

Space technology company Lunar Outpost has unveiled their new Lunar Prospector rover that will explore the surface of the Moon…

Super Earth Planet Found Around One of the Closest Stars to us. But it’s Probably a Terrible Place to Live

6 years ago

The Red Dots and CARMENES projects recently announced the discovery of a super-Earth around Barnard's Star, making it the second-closest…

SpaceX Gives More Details on how their Starlink Internet Service Will Work. Less Satellites, Lower Orbit, Shorter Transmission times, Shorter Lifespans

6 years ago

Professor Mark Handley of University College London has created a simulation that demonstrates how SpaceX's space-based internet (Starlink) will work.

So Cool! Japanese Space Research Center will be Suspended Over a Moonlike Crater

6 years ago

The architectural design behind Japan's new space research center is mind-boggling. The futuristic building will incorporate elements of spacecraft design,…

Going 1 Million Miles per Hour With Advanced Propulsion

6 years ago

Advanced propulsion breakthroughs are near. Spacecraft have been stuck at slow chemical rocket speeds for years and weak ion drive…

Honey, Where’s the Space Sperm? It’s in Low-Earth Orbit, Dear

6 years ago

It's always wise to be prepared for a disaster, but space sperm is taking it a little too far. Having…