Noctilucent Clouds Perform Delicate Dance for NASA’s Balloon-Cam

6 years ago

Noctilucent clouds 50 miles above the Earth in the mesosphere. A NASA mission spent five days above the Arctic photographing…

Musk Gives an Update on When a Mars Colony Could be Built

6 years ago

In a recent tweet, SpaceX founder Elon Musk indicated that his company may be able to build a Martian colony…

Matter is Going Into this Black Hole at 30% the Speed of Light

6 years ago

A team of researchers in the UK have observed matter falling into a black hole at 30% the speed of…

Astronomers are Tracking the Interstellar Asteroid ‘Oumuamua to its Home System

6 years ago

An international team of astronomers have used data from the Gaia satellite to backtrack 'Oumuamua to one of four star…

The Milky Way is Still Rippling from a Galactic Collision Millions of Years Ago

6 years ago

Between 300 million and 900 million years ago, our Milky Way galaxy nearly collided with the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy. Data…

Astronauts Could Use the ScanMars Device to Search for Water on Mars

6 years ago

There's solid evidence for the existence of water on Mars, at least in frozen form at the planet's poles. And…

Here are the First Pictures From the Parker Solar Probe. Wait… That’s Not the Sun

6 years ago

The Parker Solar Probe recently collected its first-light data in order to test its instruments, and snapped some beautiful pictures…

Astronomers find Planet Vulcan – 40 Eridani A – Right Where Star Trek Predicted it.

6 years ago

One of the more interesting and rewarding aspects of astronomy and space exploration is seeing science fiction become science fact.…

Inside the Crust of Neutron Stars, There’s Nuclear Pasta; the Hardest Known Substance in the Universe

6 years ago

A new study has shown that "nuclear pasta", which exists beneath crust of a neutron star, is the strongest material…

Ice Volcanoes on Ceres are Still Actively Blasting out Material

6 years ago

In science, one discovery often leads to more questions and mysteries. That's certainly true of the ice volcanoes on the…