Life Might Be Difficult to Find on a Single Planet But Obvious Across Many Worlds

6 months ago

If we could detect a clear, unambiguous biosignature on just one of the thousands of exoplanets we know of, it…

Brown Dwarf Pairs Drift Apart in Old Age

6 months ago

The only thing worse than drifting through space for an eternity is doing it alone. Observations with the Hubble Space…

Dwarf Galaxies Could be the Key to Explaining Dark Matter

6 months ago

If dark matter is a particle, it's possible that it could self-annihilate, becoming normal matter and releasing gamma radiation. Dwarf…

An Asteroid Found Sharing the Orbit of Mars

6 months ago

Astronomers discovered another asteroid sharing Mars' orbit. These types of asteroids are called trojans, and they orbit in two clumps,…

The Sound of an Interstellar Meteor Might Have Just Been a Rumbling Truck

6 months ago

A 2023 expedition to the Pacific Ocean, searching for debris from a suspected extraterrestrial object, may have been looking in…

Webb Watches the Most Distant Galactic Merger Ever Seen

6 months ago

Astronomers know that galaxies form through mergers. They've been happening since the earliest epochs of cosmic time. Using the Webb…

Parker Solar Probe Was Blasted by Coronal Mass Ejections 28 Times in 4 Years

6 months ago

NASA’s Parker Solar Probe (PSP) was launched on August 12, 2018, with the goal of becoming the first spacecraft to…

Ice is Starting to Cloud Euclid's Optics

6 months ago

On July 1st, 2023, the European Space Agency (ESA) launched the Euclid Observatory, a mission that will spend the next…

Northrup Grumman is Studying How to Build a Railway on the Moon

6 months ago

Roughly two years and six months from now, as part of NASA's Artemis III mission, astronauts will set foot on…

Red Giants Offer a New Way to Measure Distance in the Universe

6 months ago

For nearly three decades now, it's been clear that the expansion of the Universe is speeding up. Some unknown quantity,…