Starshot … Not? Get a Reality Check on the Search for Alien Civilizations

6 months ago

Fortunately, the real-world search for signs of extraterrestrial civilizations doesn’t have to deal with an alien armada like the one…

Finding Atmospheres on Red Dwarf Planets Will Take Hundreds of Hours of Webb Time

6 months ago

The JWST is enormously powerful. One of the reasons it was launched is to examine exoplanet atmospheres to determine their…

Europa Might Not Be Able to Support Life in its Oceans

6 months ago

Can Europa’s massive, interior ocean contain the building blocks of life, and even support life as we know it? This…

What Can Europa’s Surface Tell Us About the Thickness of Its Ice?

6 months ago

You can tell a lot about a planetary body just by looking at its surface, especially if it has craters.…

One in Twelve Stars Ate a Planet

6 months ago

That stars can eat planets is axiomatic. If a small enough planet gets too close to a large enough star,…

China’s Next Lunar Relay Satellite Blasts Off

6 months ago

Communication between spacecraft relies upon line of site technology, if anything is in the way, communication isn’t possible. Exploration of…

NASA Experiments Planned for the April 8th Total Solar Eclipse

6 months ago

Totality and the April 8th total solar eclipse offers a rare chance to study the Sun.

The Mars Science Helicopter Could be an Airborne Geologist on Mars

6 months ago

After over 70 successful flights, a broken rotor ended the remarkable and groundbreaking Ingenuity helicopter mission on Mars. Now, NASA…

NASA is Planning to Shut Down One of the Great Observatories to Save Money

6 months ago

The US Government budget announcement in March left NASA with two billion dollars less than it asked for. The weeks…

It’s Time to Study Lunar Lava Tubes. Here’s a Mission That Could Help

6 months ago

The Moon is practically begging to be explored, and the momentum to do so is building. The Artemis Program's effort…