Two stars are caught in a unique relationship. The larger red giant star sheds material which its companion neutron star…
A recent study by a team of German scientists has demonstrated that a certain strain of Earth bacteria could survive…
The ESA is working on artificially intelligent robots that could be controlled from a distance by astronauts. The pair could…
This week's Carnival of Space is hosted by Brian Wang at his Next Big Future blog. Click here to read Carnival…
Due to a mechanical failure, engineers at NASA JPL have developed a new method for the Curiosity drill, which was…
We've seen rockets blast off from here on Earth. But that's only half the story. Rockets have additional stages to…
While taking pictures of the Martian moons Phobos and Deimos, the Mars Express probe also captures pictures of Saturn in…
Where will science's next big advance arise? Like Archimedes, maybe someone will jump up out of a tub of hot…
In preparation for its maiden flight, StratoLaunch's Roc aircraft - the largest aircraft in the world - recently conducted its…
A new study by an international team of astronomers has determined that stars in the Milky Way's halo actually formed…