NASA Announces its 2025 Budget. Lean Times Ahead.

6 months ago

Space flight is an expensive business and that money has to come from somewhere. The White House has just released…

A 790,000 Year-Old Asteroid Impact Could Explain Seafloor Spherules

6 months ago

Researchers recently collected 850 millimeter-sized spherules from the seafloor near Papua New Guinea. They believed they were caused by an…

Ultrablack Coating Could Be Ideal for Telescopes

6 months ago

If you, like me, have dabbled with telescope making you will know what a fickle friend light can be. On…

Are Andromeda and the Milky Way Already Exchanging Stars?

6 months ago

I often drag out the amazing fact that the Andromeda Galaxy, that faint fuzzy blob just off the corner of…

Colliding Neutron Stars are the Ultimate Particle Accelerators

6 months ago

Gamma-ray telescopes observing neutron star collisions might be the key to identifying the composition of dark matter. One leading theory…

This is Europa Clipper’s Version of the Golden Record

6 months ago

The Voyager spacecraft carried on board a plethora of scientific instruments but attached to the side was a golden record.…

Black Holes are Tearing Stars Apart All Around Us

6 months ago

Galaxy NGC3799 lies around 16 million light years from Earth. Any event observed today within that galaxy took place 16…

Astronomers Propose a 50-Meter Submillimeter Telescope

6 months ago

Some parts of the Universe only reveal important details when observed in radio waves. That explains why we have ALMA,…

Black Holes Need Refreshing Cold Gas to Keep Growing

6 months ago

How were supermassive black holes able to grow so rapidly in the early Universe? Galactic mergers were believed to be…

Cyborg Jellyfish Could Help Explore Oceans Autonomously

6 months ago

Earth's oceans are—like space—a largely unexplored frontier. Relatively few humans have explored either place, using specialized life-support equipment. Unlike space,…